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Written with all the propulsive tension that transported readers of the award-winning Colour of GreedDouble Death is a psychological thriller about the lengths we go to in the name of jealousy and revenge.


As the story evolves, and Chris Wilde becomes the No 1 police suspect in the case of his wife, Angie's disappearance, an irrevocable path is set as he seek to find the facts and bring them to life. But is something more sinister unfolding right under his nose, a tragedy in which he himself is playing a part?


Double Death is a story about family and the lengths some people will go to to protect it or in some cases destroy it...

Double Death - Ebook Edition

  • Title: Double Death

    Author: Gavin Fisher

    Page Count: 302

    E-book ISBN: 978-1-922532-77-0

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